Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What's that in my hand?

She said "God knew."

By this story I am encouraged, and so I pass it on to you. 

We come to Him with many requests, expectations and wishes. We fantasize that the verses about our heart's desires will find their fulfillment immediately when we just tell them to God. But He, being a good parent, will withhold some things due His specific and perfect timing or, the opposite, He will not respond to those due their uselessness. 

Because He decides so.


Last week at the base I became a part and later a witness to some of God's work.

One of the staff girls, being lovely and obedient to God, got to taste His amazing  love for her. On Wednesday morning she got a gift - a travel mug that has her initials on it. In the afternoon she received a pack of her favorite flavor of hot cocoa chocolate. And in the evening someone secretly brought her a bag of marshmallows. Now these three people were not cooperating with each other and even didn't know that it had happened that way. 

Happy Her was enjoying the end of the day, when suddenly God literally stopped her to think again about what had happened during the day. "Well, I got a mug, I got hot chocolate and marshmallows... That's it!" - said Her in her mind, "God did just give me a mug, but He as well filled it with my favorite treats!"

Now let's see the backstage of that story: first, the "mug" person knew that She didn't have her own mug, second, the "hot chocolate" person knew that she likes it and now me, the "marshmallow" person, heard to get it for her.

The first point is the attention, the second is the response to a need, and the third - is obedience. 

Those three I am learning daily, and I fail, the One who is full of grace encourages me to continue on. He treats me and gives me a second chance. I would regret it if I wouldn't listen to the Voice, I would regret not being a part of His blessing to somebody else, because the Kingdom is to be a blessing in yourself.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Partnership for Missions

This is the east side of the United States.

This is me being happy to be here.
I moved to Boston to work with YWAM, and to also "replace" those missionaries who went to my country, Ukraine.


And this is a part of my splendid team that I work with. 


I am blessed so I may bless,

and so are you.

I wasn't a lost cause, and neither are they. I talked just to a few people here in Boston and felt this heavy cloud over their minds and, worse, hearts. Simple day to day life is chasing an imagined ideal, drawing a new mask and proving to your past that now you have grown tougher. The price of that won't matter, unless they reach the goal: to make themselves look better, but inside, becoming more and more...empty.
I did, and I certainly do feel empty when I shift my focus from my God. Fortunately, I know where to go back and what to go back to, I know what I shall fix and I know what to measure myself to. They don't. And once, you didn't either.

Here at YWAM Boston we aim to restore Art for God. My team itself is artful: we are from places all over, and it's His design. Right now the Lord put all kinds of us together so that we may reach a wider circle of people. You and I know it well - Jesus came out to people, and now the church should go out too.

I am very excited to be going to about 15 states this spring, within just a month and a little bit more. We will perform an art show, "Encounter," the story of life from its beginning, in contemporary language. I want to be that worker that goes out for a harvest. Do you want that as well? We both can make it work by being in partnership. I invite you to be a part of this by sending a money gift towards that. I am here to offer my full time schedule for the missions and I live on His provision, and I surely know that He does it through people, because our God is very social :)

The trip is $500, my rent is $450 and another $400 is for food, transportation and etc. for a month. When your money comes in it immediately sets me free for spending my time I could use to worry about money to come out to people who are not lost causes. I am excited to be doing this, because this is the reason I moved to the US.

I have been in missions for 6 years already just because someone came up to me and told me about Jesus. These missionaries, that are not yet missionaries, can spread into education systems, government, media, family, art, IT, health, economics...

I kindly thank you for your interest in missions by supporting it directly
at YWAM Boston (http://ywamboston.org/donate-pay.html) or myself personally through Paypal at oksana.kastanda@gmail.com.
If you also want to join in with your prayer support, please contact me about that.

"A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of." (John 10:10, MSG)