Tuesday, September 10, 2013

money. missionary.

Support isn't just a thing about money and amounth.
Support isn't a thing of termas and rules and paper expetations.

We as a missionaries, I will speak for young, we hesitate to ask people to support our lives with God.

Why do we have such fear and uncomfortable feelings in a troath?
Who have putted that in us: our minds, hearts and mouth?

Support is simply taking a chance to be a part of such great and unnormal, unearth things, which are making by God through people. Through people whom He choose and put to be servants.

Was it our desire or forced wish?

God has relationships with each of us. We have our talks with Him. We make appointments and we may just break into His room just to say how small we feel.

Does God care about us and our desires? Or He just interested in forcing us to go to the hot points, such as Syria, Iran, Africa, ...stan?

HE DOES CARE ABOUT HIS WILL. He does want to perform whatever He wants - the way, the time and the vision He has for that.

He does love us. He cares of our hearts. He is compassionate.

All question is in our faith, indeed, our choice to commit to the Lord.

We love the verse "Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed" Proverbs 16:3

Is that light, easy, pleaseful and again easy, to commit to the Lord? Nope. It is not.
But how coooool it is!
How the life is turning to happen after we made this choice!!

"I love my life because God knows what I love" very often I say.

Do I remember of that when I have times when I feel down, small and not useful?
Do I mind to be a missionary when I face times when I need to find people who would support the ministry I want to do for the Lord?
Do I easily agree to wake up with a though today could turn either danger or uncomfortable?

God is sovereign God. He does what He does.
He seeks those who would leave (but not deny) their families; jobs, studies, opportunities to have secular rich life, friends and desires to live for nothing else but for private satisfaction.

He seeks those who would agree in their hearts "Let it be not easy and hard, let is be painful, but if You do so, it is better for me, then from anyone else".

He wants to have servants who would be available for Him 24\7.
He desires to have passionate servants for His Kingdom.

Why do we think of such people as they would be freeloaders, bummers and just lazy hipsters?

Yes, we might met such. But is that all what do we see?
Is that all what we think of God's Kingdom?

If you would have such imiginations of His servants, my dear brother or sister, or whoever you are reading this, I want to warn you to not play such games.
Think about: if you imagine His servants this way, then, how do you view Himself?

I understand, you might give some money to some missionaries and in the mind's eye you
put a check mark for a holy deal.
I understand that you might have weak heart if somebody asks you for help, so you did gave some money to a missionary because it hit your ruth.
I understand that you are rich and have enough money to but each missionary a car, that is why, just because of scale of your bank account, you did so.

Tell me now...whom do you sere then?

God is not a fool, He sees your heart you do such things with.

God is just and pure, He cares about motivations of hearts.
He seeks to make us rich in a mental, spiritual and unvisible meaning first of all.
He wants to wants to bless us with the things we can touch, smell and change a shape of it.
He does both.

Who, my dear, gave you a right to judge what is pure and dirty?
Who, my dear, gave you a chance and opportunity to earn money with your skills?
Who, my dear, gave you those skills, desires, passions, gifts,...?

Then whose merit is it? Merit of all you gain and earned?

Who blessed you with such things you hld in your hands now?
Who planned your life before you were born?

Did I palnned to be a missionary and be focused on serving others? Nope. I didn't, but He offerd, so I took it as my own heart desire and won't regret. He knew that and I won't turn back.
It is not easy, it is joyful, it is danger, it is lovely, it is stresful, it is safe.

To each of us He gave His heart, He gave Jesus.
Each of us He performed to be servants, apostles, pastors, sportsmens, lawyers, doctors, ballerinas, missionaries.

So who are they, that missionaries?
Simply: people who dedicated their full time and energy, thoughts and abilities, to serve the Lord.

They ask you to support the ministries and their lives just because their life bussiness is to be complitely in a service for God, God to whom you pray.

That doesn't mean they will never work to earn money. That means, they trust God to quit the jobs and live on His provision by doing what is in His heart.

Dear suporters of each missionary, do not even think you are doing a wrong, silly or meaningless thing.

First of all, doesn't matter are you christian or buddist or atheist, you serve God, even if you do not think so.
He will never forget what you have done out of your heart to each of them.

Do not be led by benefits of this world, but support because of your grateful heart that God gave you a place and abilities to earn, because of your trust God if you give away you wil not be left poor and hungry, because of your spiritual understandings, investing in someone lives brings treasures in your own.
Because you simply want to honor God and be a part of missionary works and inheritance.

God is up above of all our worries. He does His will through those who allows Him to do so.

And I like this - well said, read the comments as well.

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