Such examples in a Bible, when people lived with a heavy sicknesses
for a veeery long time, they got the healing because of their patience.
This ...
This what we focus on the most - the result. But
have you consider how many times they gave up and pick up their hope again? How many times they toss tons of questions up to God? How
many imiginations they had about the healing? How many tears and bad
forecast they heard?
What this healing cost them?
The name of God will be glorified through everything. This is constant. This can not be removed. This is firm and strong.
Is God allowing us to be sick just because He wants to glorify His name afterwhile? Yes.
Does God send this sicknesses? No.
Then why He
is using such bad things in our lives? Because His perspective sees more
and He is looking for the opportunities rather then focus on a problem.
Have God planned somebody to be sick? No, it would then contradict
to His own decision to send His Son on a cross to take away all the
Doctors, who are they? Are they good? They
are people created by God, loved the same as any of us. They are good,
because through their medical knowledge reveals God's mercy. He knew
people will got themselves in a bad condition which will produce
sicknesses then He gave a desire and possibilities to certain people be
His "healing army". He helps us through doctors. No reasons to be
against them.
Who created me? My God.
He knows my stucture and need.
I want to be healthy to serve Him. I want to be able to say - God healed me!
could go to the doctores. But I so desparately want Him to heal me so I
would have a chance to testify His power in my life!
Well.. He is sovereign God. God is God. Whatever He chooses is the best. In other words, I am not bringing a glory to Him because of myself but because of HIMSELF. I do a ministry because of Him, and yet, I have a desire for ministries, just because of Him!.
Well.. He is sovereign God. God is God. Whatever He chooses is the best. In other words, I am not bringing a glory to Him because of myself but because of HIMSELF. I do a ministry because of Him, and yet, I have a desire for ministries, just because of Him!.
Think about that.. why me, as a human, need any ministering?
Just because have chosen me to do so. Just because He gave me a desire
and supplies with what I need for that. Well, even not what do I need,
but what I would need to make real what He have chosen me to do!
He will supply.
This I believe.
This life is not mine, though He gave a choice. And I choosed to be in His service.
I have my private life, but how can I separate it from what I am burning for? Isn't it a hypocritical then?
I have my private life, but how can I separate it from what I am burning for? Isn't it a hypocritical then?
I desire to be the same in any sphere of my life. I don't
want to be separated and devided into sections with a sertain amount of
"holliness" in each.
I want to be clean and pure. Yet I am sinning. Tomorrow I will.
The reason I still go, is my freedom to choose. So He supported my choice.
I do all I do - for Him.
SO, "commit to the Lord...and your plans will succeed" Proverbs 16:3
My plans are to glorify God. Then I commit this sickness,
this healing, in any way it will come: miracle or doctors, I commit. If I
commit this, it will succeed and means, will glorify God, means, will
make my plan work!>
Who is more precious? Me or God? God, no doubts. But I am
becoming precious just when God is in me. We all contain God in
ourselves. Give Him a chance. You won't regret. I promisse.
To be sick and in such condition glorify God? - Yes!
I will wait on the Lord and I know He is not silent.
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