Sunday, November 17, 2013

October - half November update

Hi, hello, ahoj :)
I am glad I can send this update to you and share what has happened on this side of the world, in beautiful and mysterious Ukraine, in the best city to live, which is Vinnytsia.
(All pictures are under text, unless you saw them all on fb already:)


For the first time supported a missionary family with my tithe.
Got "into the TH" (Transition Home) with random help, such as: helping Alla with her college homework, means, build and keep relationship; kept the house safe for a few days while our brave British family traveled to very necessary places (getting a year residency and a wedding of a family member); helping with communication between the British parents at TH and Alla; cleaning around the house.
Started to build closer relationships in the team, getting to know with whom I serve.
Spent time around the ELOY team with help they needed while they filmed at the orphanages: interpretations and local guiding and guiding one girl to Kiev and the Moldova embassy.
(ELOY project - )
Family and church changes: as we lost our church (we were its members for 14 years) me and my mom found another one. For the whole time I am practicing missionary life, just in this year my mom supported me financially directly as a missionary! My dad finally, and praise to God,  found his "with better conditions" job! He is still driving all around EU, but the conditions of life and car and business relationships are much better.
Already saw the first snow of the new season! the beginning of October was too early.
Experienced this "At the moment staying in our house we have... 4 Americans, 4 British, 4 Ukrainians, 1 Canadian, 1 Mexican and 1 girl from Costa Rica/Nicaragua. Also we have 2 sick kittens and 18 chickens. Strangely I'm never bored" situation.
Launched Skype lessons of Ukrainian for my American friend.
Got to know first my friends are pregnant!
Started to read "Through the dust: breaking the stereotypes about a leader." This means I started a renewing process in my brain about such things.
Hosted friends. Tried new food. Cooked something new.
Had deep thoughts of serving and dedication, calling and using gifts.
Visited the dentist twice.
Got onto staff for the upcoming DTS in Vinnytsia!
Agreed to help one 8 year old boy with English.
Studied Hebrews with my team, had a weekend retreat with them where we shared YWAM values, and just hung out with these persons.
Visited a few worship and concert nights of my American friend (who is a missionary with his family in UA) at Calvary Chapel in Vinnytsia. I got to know one more church and got new friends among whom were leaders of that church.
Went to the theater!
Happily cried.
Spent joyful time at the orphanages, sharing fellowship with locals.
Took participation in leading worship.
Observed people with intentional thoughts to look at them with love, not mattering what they look like. (Try!)
Had thoughts of clear mind and heart desires, to whom I bring a benefit: myself or God?


It just started, but it already has thick blessings for the spirit. You know when you are truly seeking the truth, and just then God is giving you beautiful stuff?
Right here.
Being on staff at YWAM Vinnytsia is a blessing. I am not married yet, but basically all of my team is 3 families. It is hard sometimes, emotionally, but what a great opportunity to learn, especially when I want to learn:)
God is very supportive when we do His things.
He wants us be truly happy and not fake joy.
Remember, get sweat when you pray just in a case you are asking for what had been revealed to just you.
God is very supportive through people: emotions, feelings, atmosphere, food, fellowship, money, clothes, advice, idea, prayer.
It amazes me when I actually think about my actions like that: I am being a channel between God and someone He choose me to provide a blessing for.
Got my visa to the USA!!! Have tickets, and almost don't have a patience to wait untill I go there.
Got a neccessary money suport for doctor's help.
Had creative evenings at home.
Met a new international marriage couple.
Helped homeless.
These all what I said here from my life were able to happen just because of the support, people who stays with me in their money and prayer support.  THANK you.

The month is moving, so I am looking forward to see new sides of this life, experience more of God and apply what I've been given by God.


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