We have 5 students from 3 nations,
and 7 staff from 7 different locations.
*WHAT am I doing? - Everything!, though, it is dramatic and sarcastic:) I am glad to have a team to help and be encouraged by.
My responsibilities are Food, Housekeeping, being discipler, Hospitality for Students, Preparation and Translation of Academic Material, School Communicators, Work Duties,Creativity Coordinator & Classroom.
*WHY am I doing these? - I am grateful.
Because I've been blessed for my DTS last year in Czech Republic, now, as God put peace and desire on my heart to stay here in Vinnytsia, I signed up to keep track of blessings for students who've been led by God to this school.
DTS is an intensive program of studying and living, where people are getting to know God and make Him known. Isn't it great? In the beginning of April we go to reach Moldova!
DTS Vinnytsia facebook
with our DTS.
This location, we as a staff, were given the way before the school started.
This country is a neighbor of Ukraine and is a part of Svalic family.
None of us on the team haven't serve there yet, so it is a new place where we would need to take wisdom, love and Gospel.
Outreach starts in the very beginning of April, places where we would go aren't clear yet, as we keep connecting with locals there. So far we have people to help us figure out locations and ministry to do.
Why so far? Why USA? Why Boston?
Since last year, as I went on DTS in CZ, I met Mark and we started a relationship together, Weeehee! :)
In the end of 2013 I went to the States to meet his family and meet YWAM Boston.
I applied to be staff on that base and I've been accepted!!!
WHY USA? - I saw so many americans are coming to serve my people that I wanted to go to their home to serve back out of inspiration they shared with me.
WHY BOSTON? - simply, Mark is studying there.
I consider YWAM Vinnytsia as my family. When I met people at the base there, I had a word "Go <transfer> from a family to a family". YWAM Boston felt a family for me too.
WHAT I am going to do there? - keep on serving.
Right now I am in a process of emailing with them. So far we found places for me to serve: DTS, accountant, campus ministry, ...
Since beggining of 2014 I got an extension of my worldview - God blessed me with a 3 weeks trip to the States, my life dream :) Amazing time with Mark and his family, getting to know american culture and falling in love with it's real people, provision I woudn't believe will happen, getting "western", ...ME, personally:
And since I got back, it was all about DTS. I live by it now, and I like it. It challenges a lot, so I need support to face conflicts and deal with responsibilities I have. People are different and it shows how creative our God is!
So far I was struggling with managing time and creating a "regain energy way".. I need rest! This is my conclusion:) To leave this city and go for a day to another. Take time to swim\go to gym. Buy a book. Now I faced such fact, that living indeed by full-time ministry, must include a self time, to keep doing ministry in a healthy way, otherwise, sacrificing myself won't be that valuable. Please, support me in taking such times, by asking if I have it or advicing something. Pray for me to keep take care of myself:)
YWAM Vinnytsia - DTS staff team:PRAY and BELIEVE
earlier we as a team experienced attacks: some things were stolen, emotionally heavy atmosphere because of political situation in Ukraine, health of our the smallest "members" on the team, financial support for a families and me.
we need peace over the country, wise leaders, compensation of what was lost\damaged, salvation for Ukrainians, ...
YWAM Boston:
visa\flights, monthly support for 2 years, adaptation to the place and culture I will be in.
Visit to Czech Republic:
since I got back from there, my heart can't stop coming back to those people I met there: YWAM team, people from street ministry (homeless, addicted, prostitutes), local churches, ... I really want to go back, visit for fun and rest or serve with them, as the time comes..
* self time
* as outreach comes closer:
I need to learn how to be a leader, be flexible and attentive to His voice about Moldova, plus to have money to go there :)
* as DTS will end:
I need to have a picture of next steps, people to support me, ...