So so many ways are in the world. The ways to express, to explain, to understand, to say, to feel, to hear, to be... There are so so many places in a world to be. And those places are willing to give you all they are able to represent before you.
Among the christians, there are so so many which are believers, which are trying, which are hanging on, which are serious...
What makes a memory bright? And what makes a human holy?
Why we are spending to much time for explenation which are not in our dependency in order just step out to what you are trying to explain.
Through few past few (3-4) years I was focusing on what I've been taught (obviously): how to treat to local churches without damaging them, how to serve, what to wear to represent yourself as a "true" christian, how to obey leaders, what the difference between leader and friend (in one person), what that means to lead the worship, how "to help" foreigners in your country,...
I AM thankful for that time, knowledge and experience.
But, being now here, at the place where you actually came as a white paper, cos, before that nobody here didn't know you. You were able to become anybody here. To represent yourself as you want. Whatever.
Being now here, on my already 3d month (wow,,,time runs so fast..) of DTS, I look back and see, actually, realizing, what and how much mistakes I have done to those who were me at that time. I mean, a foreigner. Yet, I would not recognize that from the same point of standing.
Anyway, DTS. Time in Europe. Lectures. Travels. People. Noise. Love it.
The way how I appeared here was one of that, which you would like to avvoid and better come faster.
I applied for a school in Hurlach (Germany) which started on 16th Sep 2012. Well, a loud word for that. I was in a youth camp as a leader at that time. Almost no phone servise, smaaaal ukrainian village, teens... All my process to apply this school was like this: after praying time run out to find a point of connection with a civilization to make a call to my family, church and friends and try to explain what ACTUALLY I am going to do and that I need their permission and a blessing, well, and to fill out some references. I didn't have info about what is DTS. I had just one explenation "It's cool! really cool! You need that! Just apply". Hm...
At last, I made a call to my pastor and in short "structure" way tried to explain what is that and what I need her to do (yes, one of my pastor is SHE). After that camp I had one more. So, came back after all my lovely serving time at home, I had around a month to work out everything..especially visa to Germany.

After while, I got to another village for 2 weeks to help as a translator (reading this mistakefull text you could imagine me translating,, whatever) for a dutch group of youth, which came to the worst (probably) orphanage in my area to make an outdoor isolation of one of the parts of their building.
No phone, no internet, shower bucket, walk home 30-40 min all in dust and it.
All that time I was sharing my joy with them that I am accepted and going to be in Europe!
When all this building stuff ended I finally came back to normal life (which is pretty boring) that time, I had almost 4 weeks to make myself be ready to go.
After while, my church went for a vacation to a beautifull forest and river, for a week.
If I needed to make a call, I should go on a small hill, toss up your phone (while it's dealing) and then, hopefully, you got a chance to hear "Hello" in it. But, it's not about that.
It is connected with my applying process, cos I cannot contact with anybody. So, after gave this all to God's hands I enjoyed my rest (which I so so needed and God reachly blessed me with physical and brain relax).
Came back at home (this time no more travels) it was a bit less then 3 weeks to get visa.
So, the process started. Many many trips to Kiev to the embassy, a big bunch of hope and faith to get a visa, ended with I got it, but later for 3 weeks after the lecture phase started.
At this time I was praying hardly, giving my tryst in the Lord everyday, experiencing His provision in counciling. So we canceled visa.
A new application. Herrnhut. Which appeared not even Germany, but a smaaaal town Cheb, close to German bourder, so it is in Czech Republic.
A new wave of hope and trust in the Lord.
This time I got more time to get a visa.
I spent 2 days in Kiev, unplanned, cos I was late to take my documents for embassy from a post office. So I came early in the morning, took it, and run to the railwaystation to take a bus to Kiev to apply visa. Successfully.
In 2 month before school I was serving some other american missionaries: lived in an orphanage (which was awesome experience!)
and cooked lunches for YWAM Vinnitsya (my home city in Ukraine). What a blessing to be a provider!

On the week of school starts (friday, 1st February 2013) I woke up (wednesday) and,, again as before, I said "God, You know, I don't want to lose again, but I trust You. I did my possible, now it's Your turn, to do Your impossible. Pleaseeeeee, give me a visa!" After lunch I got a call from the embassy and they said I could come any day and get my visa. "Any day?"-thought I, "I will come tomorrow!!!". So I went to Kiev to get my"veryprayedthrough" visa. Spent a WHOLE DAY, because it turns out not that easy as I imagined.
Finally, holding it in my hands, happy inside and out, I came back home late at night, and all night dreamed about what just happened.
Next day was so busy with preparation me to leave: farawell party, documents, talks, goodbyes, money, plans, gifts, purchases,....

Friday. The day of DTS. I spent in moving around the city and doing all I needed to be done.
Saturday. Farawell party, packing,...
Sunday. No sleeping at previous night, church, packing, lunch with "mom cooked", bags up, taxi, bus.
Europe on Monday 4th of February.
I had 26 hours riding the bus, with so many thoughts and imiginations, dreams and etc..
"Half a year. Europe. HALF A YEAR, is 6 MONTH..Everything new...6 month.."
And now, it is 3d month. Sitting on a kitchen, eating chocolate and typing this, I understand, how much I am thankfull to God for all He done, do and will do!!
It's an amazing time, wotrh all that pathes I went through to come here, changes-that's what I want and this is what I get, all for one purpose - to be Him on this Earth. Stretch myself. Go out of the box. With eyes wide open. Taking and giving.
God is truly GREAT!!!
Among the christians, there are so so many which are believers, which are trying, which are hanging on, which are serious...
What makes a memory bright? And what makes a human holy?
Why we are spending to much time for explenation which are not in our dependency in order just step out to what you are trying to explain.
Through few past few (3-4) years I was focusing on what I've been taught (obviously): how to treat to local churches without damaging them, how to serve, what to wear to represent yourself as a "true" christian, how to obey leaders, what the difference between leader and friend (in one person), what that means to lead the worship, how "to help" foreigners in your country,...
I AM thankful for that time, knowledge and experience.
But, being now here, at the place where you actually came as a white paper, cos, before that nobody here didn't know you. You were able to become anybody here. To represent yourself as you want. Whatever.
Being now here, on my already 3d month (wow,,,time runs so fast..) of DTS, I look back and see, actually, realizing, what and how much mistakes I have done to those who were me at that time. I mean, a foreigner. Yet, I would not recognize that from the same point of standing.
Anyway, DTS. Time in Europe. Lectures. Travels. People. Noise. Love it.
The way how I appeared here was one of that, which you would like to avvoid and better come faster.
At last, I made a call to my pastor and in short "structure" way tried to explain what is that and what I need her to do (yes, one of my pastor is SHE). After that camp I had one more. So, came back after all my lovely serving time at home, I had around a month to work out everything..especially visa to Germany.

After while, I got to another village for 2 weeks to help as a translator (reading this mistakefull text you could imagine me translating,, whatever) for a dutch group of youth, which came to the worst (probably) orphanage in my area to make an outdoor isolation of one of the parts of their building.
No phone, no internet, shower bucket, walk home 30-40 min all in dust and it.
All that time I was sharing my joy with them that I am accepted and going to be in Europe!
When all this building stuff ended I finally came back to normal life (which is pretty boring) that time, I had almost 4 weeks to make myself be ready to go.

If I needed to make a call, I should go on a small hill, toss up your phone (while it's dealing) and then, hopefully, you got a chance to hear "Hello" in it. But, it's not about that.
It is connected with my applying process, cos I cannot contact with anybody. So, after gave this all to God's hands I enjoyed my rest (which I so so needed and God reachly blessed me with physical and brain relax).
Came back at home (this time no more travels) it was a bit less then 3 weeks to get visa.
So, the process started. Many many trips to Kiev to the embassy, a big bunch of hope and faith to get a visa, ended with I got it, but later for 3 weeks after the lecture phase started.
At this time I was praying hardly, giving my tryst in the Lord everyday, experiencing His provision in counciling. So we canceled visa.
A new application. Herrnhut. Which appeared not even Germany, but a smaaaal town Cheb, close to German bourder, so it is in Czech Republic.
A new wave of hope and trust in the Lord.
This time I got more time to get a visa.
I spent 2 days in Kiev, unplanned, cos I was late to take my documents for embassy from a post office. So I came early in the morning, took it, and run to the railwaystation to take a bus to Kiev to apply visa. Successfully.
and cooked lunches for YWAM Vinnitsya (my home city in Ukraine). What a blessing to be a provider!

On the week of school starts (friday, 1st February 2013) I woke up (wednesday) and,, again as before, I said "God, You know, I don't want to lose again, but I trust You. I did my possible, now it's Your turn, to do Your impossible. Pleaseeeeee, give me a visa!" After lunch I got a call from the embassy and they said I could come any day and get my visa. "Any day?"-thought I, "I will come tomorrow!!!". So I went to Kiev to get my"veryprayedthrough" visa. Spent a WHOLE DAY, because it turns out not that easy as I imagined.
Finally, holding it in my hands, happy inside and out, I came back home late at night, and all night dreamed about what just happened.
Next day was so busy with preparation me to leave: farawell party, documents, talks, goodbyes, money, plans, gifts, purchases,....
Friday. The day of DTS. I spent in moving around the city and doing all I needed to be done.
Saturday. Farawell party, packing,...
Sunday. No sleeping at previous night, church, packing, lunch with "mom cooked", bags up, taxi, bus.
Europe on Monday 4th of February.
I had 26 hours riding the bus, with so many thoughts and imiginations, dreams and etc..
"Half a year. Europe. HALF A YEAR, is 6 MONTH..Everything new...6 month.."
And now, it is 3d month. Sitting on a kitchen, eating chocolate and typing this, I understand, how much I am thankfull to God for all He done, do and will do!!
It's an amazing time, wotrh all that pathes I went through to come here, changes-that's what I want and this is what I get, all for one purpose - to be Him on this Earth. Stretch myself. Go out of the box. With eyes wide open. Taking and giving.
God is truly GREAT!!!