Sunday, March 31, 2013

1:19 am

"Мужчину и женщину сотворил их".
"И сказал Господь Бог: не хорошо быть человеку одному; сотворим ему помощника, соответственного ему".
Это - Божья забота в социальной жизни человека.
Дух Святой и жена, сродни в качестве Помощника.

Помощник, это не тот, кто будет умалчивать и соглашаться на всё, но тот, кто разумно и без ущерба любви сможет отказать, дать свободу действия партнёру, при этом оставаясь одним целым.

Кто-то желает видеть такого помощника как и себя: такие же вкусы, мечты, поведение,...
Другие, противоположного.

И там и там действует Божий юмор.
О, какая большая роль этого в жизнях верующих. Хотя и в Слове ничего не сказано об этом. Может это модернизация, и сейчас, мы, "это" называем Божьим юмором.

"Сможешь ли ты полюбить Китай и Индию так, как люблю их я?"
Смогу ли я иметь сердце для людей и мест на земле, к которым ранее оно не поворачивалось? Не поворачивалось из-за неосведомлённости, плохо представления из-за телевидения или рассказзов других людей.
Теоретически да, смогу. На практике проявятся свои шершавости, слёзы, победы и ошибки, обиды и непонимания, радости и опасности.

Теоретически и даже, практически, возможно прожить семейную благословенную жизнь с любым человеком, который ищет быть характером Иисуса на этой земле.
Это - единственное, константа, что будет крепко связывать двух людей.

Ведь эта жизнь не так длинна, потому что в вечности это будет понятно и выяснено явно.

Не бояться своих слабостей значит не быть ими управляемым. Это значит знать и признавать их, при этом развивая то, что хорошо получается, давая место изменениям из слабостей в сильные стороны.
Душа и характер человека настолько растяжимы, насколько каждый из нас позволит этому быть. Возраст этому не грань. Положение этому не грань. Грань - наш выбор.

Любовь. Это выбор и это согласие. Это то, ради чего стоит бороться, но не выборивать( хоть и нет такого слова). Любовь, это сделать со своей стороны всё возможное и дать Богу любить себя.

"Будешь ли ты любить...?"
"Да, когда ты будешь любить меня".

Как высока, и как глубока,
Как широка и длинна
Божья любовь.

Спасибо Папа. Я люблю Тебя.

Спасибо что учишь, значит я способна учиться.
Спасибо что продолжаешь учить, это значит - Ты в меня веришь.
Спасибо что учишь, мне возможно этому научиться. 
Спасибо что учишь, и я буду учить как Ты.

"И когда найдёт его, то с радостью продает всё, чтобы купить то поле с сокровищем".
Да, когда сокровище находится, всё остальное оказывается блестяшками.
И если ты лично знаешь, что там есть молоко и мёд, то оставь свой Юппи и возьми ведёрко побольше.
Бог Мастер удивлять.


"Male and female he created them.""And the Lord God said, 'It is not good for man to be alone, I will make him a helper fit for him.'"This is - God's care for human social life.The Holy Spirit and the wife are like an assistant.

Helper, it's not one who will keep quiet and accept everything, but one who, with a wisdom and without damaging love, might be able to refuse, who would give the freedom for the partner to act, while staying in one flesh. 

Someone wants to see a helper like himself: the same tastes, dreams, behavior, ...Others want the opposite. 

In both cases God's humor is acting.Oh, what a big role of it in the lives of believers. Although there's nothing about it in the Word. Maybe this is an upgrade, and now, we, the "it" refer to God's sense of humor. 

"Can you love China and India, the way I love them?"Will I have a heart for people and places in the world to which I previously did not turn? Did not turn because of the lack of awareness, poor performance because of the television or stories of others.Theoretically, yes, I can. In practice, it's roughness will show up, tears, victories and mistakes, offences and misunderstanding, joy and danger. 

Theoretically and even practically it is possible to live a blessed family life with anyone who is looking to be the character of Jesus on this earth.With this - the only constant, it would be the only thing which connects people.

After all, life is not so long, because in eternity it will be clear and clarified explicitly.

Do not be afraid of your weaknesses means to be not controlled by them. It means to know and recognize them, while developing what is good and giving a place for a change from weaknesses to strengths.

The soul and character of a person is so extensive, how each of us allow it to be. The age is not a borderline. The position is not border. Boundary is our choice.

Love. It is a choice and consent. This is something that is worth fighting, but not overpower. Love is to do your possible and give space for God to love you.

"Would you love ...?""Yes, when you love me."
How high and how deepHow wide and longGod's love.
Thank you Dad. I love you.

Thank you for teaching, so I can learn.Thank you for continuing to teach, it means - You believe in me.Thank you
for teaching, I can learn it.  
Thank you for teaching,and I will teach as You do. 

"And when he finds it, gladly sell everything to buy the field with the treasure".Yes, where the treasure is, everything else is just a sparkles.And if you personally know that there is milk and honey, then leave your Kool-aid and take a bigger bucket.

God is a Master of surprise.


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Just Like Jesus

“God loves you just the way you are, 
but He refuses to leave you there. 
He wants you to be just like Jesus.
Isn't that good news?
 You aren't stuck with today's personality. 
You are changeable... 
In Just Like Jesus, Max Lucado helps you to understand God's wonderful ways of transformation” (Max Lucado)

“What if, for twenty-four hours, Jesus wakes up in your bed, walks in your shoes, lives in your house, assumes your schedule? Your boss becomes his boss, your mother becomes his mother, your pains become his pains? With one exception, nothing about your life changes. Your health doesn’t change. Your circumstances don’t change. Your schedule isn’t altered. Your problems aren’t solved. Only one change occurs(Max Lucado).
This make me think about how far I am able to go. What potential I have to move mountains. We are in the age of weak Christians and strong religions. This is the challenge to go further. But how lazy we could be…
God loves you just the way you are, but he refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to be just like Jesus.
Just think about that. No other changes but just the one – transplanting a Jesus heart in your body.
What could that mean? It means, that no longer I live as Oksana, but Jesus in Oksana’s body, His Spirit. Yes, I am not separated from who I am, but this “am” is transformed into Jesus’ heart. If I am passionate, passionate for Jesus. If I am quiet, quiet for Jesus.
The bright example is Paul. He wasn’t changed in everything, but just the one thing – everything he had transformed into Jesus’ heart. What he did, he thought he was doing out of jealousy for God. This jealousy was transformed into Jesus’ heart. He had his character, but he used it for God’s kingdom.
The same for me. If I am able to do something, it is the one thing – to be just as He. If somebody offends me, I could chose to not be offended, cos’ He had more, and much more, opportunities to be offended! My offenders are not that strong as Jesus’. It makes me just like Him. Etc..
The principle of being Jesus on this Earth is to do what He has done and even more. If I am creating a new ministry and it was given me by Spirit, I may ask myself, is that what Jesus did and is that more of what He did?
“Since you have been chosen by God who has given you this new kind of life, and because of his deep love and concern for you, you should practice tender hearted mercy and kindness to others” Bible, Colossians 3:12.
Yes. This is what the world needs. Sometimes, I find myself of more thinking of how lazy I am than doing something. What a pity! I could complain on this age I have but it doesn’t change anything. Well, my mood is going down by this.
Some wise man said, let’s focus on what is better, then on what is not that good. Let’s develop what is better, then on what is not going well.
True, true.
So, how far could I go.. Matthew is admirably honest when he confesses, “All of Jesus’ followers left him and ran away” (26:56).For such a short word, all sure packs some pain. “All of Jesus’ followers … ran away.” John did. Matthew did. Simon did. Thomas did. They all did. We don’t have to go far to find the last time this word was used. Note the verse just a few lines before our text: “But Peter said, ‘I will never say that I don’t know you! I will even die with you!” (Max Lucado)
Shame. Shame.
“Remember, heaven was not foreign to Jesus. He is the only person to live on earth after he had lived in heaven. As believers, you and I will live in heaven after time on earth, but Jesus did just the opposite. He knew heaven before he came to earth. He knew what awaited him upon his return. And knowing what awaited him in heaven enabled him to bear the shame on earth” (Max Lucado).

That’s right. To see as Jesus saw, to walk, as Jesus walked…It is possible.
The question is in my choice.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Хаотичный порядок

Беспокойство. Мятеж. Конфуз. Недостаток видения. Обрезанное восприятие происходящего.
Все подобные были искусно созданы ради того, чтобы отнимать мир, спокойствие, внутреннее чувство доверия и крепкое осознание что всё не в хаосе.
"Даже хаос упорядочен". Да, в хаосе - хаотичный порядок. В спокойствии - порядок спокойствия.
Как же важно, на протяжении жизни сохранять мир, потому что это приносит плод правды. Кому хочется быть обманутым? Без  лживой иронии, никто не хочет.
Что будет дальше? Как это будет происходить? В какое время? Сколько чего нужно?
В Библии чётко сказано: Мои мысли - не ваши мысли, ни ваши пути - пути Мои, говорит Господь (Ис.55:8) и ещё: не видел того глаз, не слышало ухо, и не приходило то на сердце человеку, что приготовил Бог любящим Его (1 Кор.2:9).
Особенно любящим Его!
Емоции, чувствования, фантазия, желания, ... всё это хорошо. Но должно работать на нас, приносить нам добрый доход и урожай. Мы виним Бога из-за своей эгоистичной несостоятельности и лени, чтобы продвинуть себя в место, где течёт молоко и мёд.
Это всё доступно.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


-----WHAT IS CHEB ??

Cheb is hip-hope. And hope. = HIP-HOPE.
Cheb is color. Cheb is cobbles.
It's a sun and it's a snow.
Gipsies. Asia people. Germans. And we.
It's spring time, and shops have super wool shoes and summer shoes.
Night clubs.
Kebab and Doner.
American nails.
Castles. Beer.
Restaurants during the day. pubs during the night.
It's "Do you speak english?" - "Ne".
Cheb is parks. Cheb is narrow roads and streets.
Cheb is romantic, Cheb is heavy.
Cheb is Asia underground markets.
It's homeless. It's expensive cars.
It's no ppl outside. It's walking orchestra.
It's no smoking area in a caffee, but, whatever...Doesn't matter. Read next.
Cheb is quite. Cheb is busy.
Cheb is transition point.
Cheb is nowhere. Cheb is a touristis place.
Cheb is. And Cheb will be saved!

Feed me

reading this, think about your involment into such things. it brings you more than you could give.
It was 8 March - international women day. I knew, CZ isn't celebrating it that much as Ukraine does, so, I also understood, that and my international YWAM family will not create anything. So, being myself-celebrating, I asked God to present me a flower, somehow. So He did! In a market, where we went for shopping food for us, I got my flower and some wishes on czech. Anyway, it's nice :)
Friday night (8-12 pm) we splited into 3 teams,  took 3 routes, prayed and went out our River House.
We took a gifts for girls on a streets. Some of us had a chance to come into the night clubs or brothels and talk with girls there. Other were praying outside.
We met a lot. We got shocked. We were amazed. We were hurt.
What is my expierence? Here it is.
On the way home we walked past to a big market, and there are sitting one homeless with a dog always. Once I gave him a food. That evening we met him again. So I asked my team if we could by some dinner for him, as i didn't take money with me. We went into market and other stayed outside. When we came back, he disappered and othere didn;t see him. So we decided to go down street where is an old uninhabitable house. But, that man wasn't there. All the way I was thinking aboout that food in my bag. "God, would You give me any homeless or hungry today? I know, i could do it tomorrow...but You know, I bought it today". As we were finishing our prayer walk and coming closer to the house, we didn't have any gifts left. But anyway, we met one more prostitute. Ira had a chocolet, so she gave it to her. "Ok, God. I have somebody's dinner...". Few meters later, we met 2 women. One of them Ira met before. So they start to talk, and in a moment, Ira turned to me and gave me a sign - give them. I was sooo happy to feed somebody, even we were in 40-50 meters from home.
As I got to know in few days, when Ira asked them before if they need anything, they
always say - nothing. That evening.. they replied "We are hungry".

God always provides! He gave the desire, He gave the opportunity to use it.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

flower from God

how  I celebrated 8 march in Cz.
it was beautiful day. Even i knew before that cz ppl don't celebrate it, and, even understood that my international team will not do anything, i asked God to present me a flower, somehow. After lunch we went to market for weekend food. I knew at the entrance were flowers for sale. "Ok, i will buy it for myself"- thought I. We took a cart and went in. Turn out that those flowers were for presents to every woman. And this is how i got my flower :)

как я праздновала 8 марта в Чехии.
был чудесный день. Зная, что чехи не особо празднуют, я понимала, что и моя интернациональная команда никак не отреагирует. Я попросила Бога, чтобы Он, как-то, подарил мне цветочек. После обеда, мы пошли покупать продукты. Я знала что при входе продавали цветы. "Ладно,"-думаю,"куплю сама себе".
Мы взяли тележку и зашли. Оказалось, сегодня те цветы просто дарят женщинам. И вот так я получила свой цветочек :)